Claire Nicholson
'There is nothing on this planet more
weird and wonderful, incredible and edible, curing and enduring, than the flora
and fauna. I've been obsessed with its magic from a very early age,
passionately from the roots upwards....please don't miss my most magical,
scented, beautiful, vertical creation of the season's finest floral
ingredients, at their peak” ... & in the meantime,please take a peek'
Images courtesy of The Wilde Bunch |
“Weeds are flowers too, once you get to
know them”
- A A Milne
Images courtesy of The Wilde Bunch |
'...Expect the Unexpected...'
Images courtesy of The Wilde Bunch |
Flowers are the sign of love, beauty and fragrance. You can show your emotions of love by giving the flowers to your loved ones. I usually do the same.